Deft is the word to describe this hammer. It is very lightweight, but the refined design directs the force to the faces perfectly. Read more
Nova have recently introduced two lathes which deserve serious consideration. The Nova Neptune and Neptune Max are bench-mounted midi and free-standing versions with a single-piece bed that allows extended spindle turning.
Three relatively new brands of router planes are now available, all sporting innovations. Raf Nathan takes a look at new versions of a traditional and favourite tool.
If you’re new to woodworking you’ll need to tool up. To keep costs down you can start with the basics and acquire low cost tools. The challenge is to not economise on quality...
This is a carvers mallet, comfortable for a smaller hand to hold, but with good and modifiable heft.
I noticed a marked difference between sheen levels for the first and second coats. Only two coats are recommended which is a point of difference.
The K740 range features a larger saw unit and a double trunnion capable of running blades from 300–400mm to achieve a cut height of 140mm.
Raf Nathan looks at notions of accuracy and compares three brands of measuring tools.
What is the most used power tool in my and maybe your workshop? Actually it’s the portable dust extractor – used whenever I am on any other power tool like the drop saw, sander or router.
David Luckensmeyer deciphers the jargon and weighs up factors that influence your choice of hearing protection.
Evan Dunstone explains how to handle a wild Australian timber with a reputation for unruly behaviour.
Have you ever taken a trip to the Emergency Department with something in your eye? Here's a convincing argument for selecting the right PPE.
A close look at three models that cover a range of woodturning needs that will suit the needs of beginners through to serious turners.
Could this be the best tool Arbortech has produced to date?
The guides are simple to use. Select the profile, clip it on to the base, push down, and then bring the router in to make the cut.
Anyone who has ever had to strip damaged coats from a sizeable surface area will immediately see the utility of this tool.
Neil Erasmus shows how to make a vacuum box jig for thicknessing thin stock.