Wood Review 124

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Wood Review magazine issue 124 is available from newsagents and selected retailers.

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ON THE COVER: One for the Road. Award-winning designer and maker Florian Meigel delivers a masterclass in templating as he shows how to make reinforced plywood for a high performance freeride longboard.


Hardwax Oils On Test: David Luckensmeyer undertook extensive workshop tests to find the best ways to apply and choose between eight hardwax oils.


Rock Solid Breadboard Ends: Damion Fauser explains the logic behind a traditional construction and shows there are many ways to achieve an effective result.


More From Your Shooting Board: Armed with a handplane, clamps, stop blocks or shims you can square, bevel, mitre and even round edges. Charles Mak shows how.


Fall of Light: Turned, textured and stained, Andrew Potocnik creates a decorative and effective LED wall light using recycled materials.


The Struggle is Real: Angharad Summers discusses the modern day designer’s dilemma – is it an indulgence to make in a world where there’s already ‘too much stuff’?


Small-scale Work – Bigtime Passion: After a career as a builder and renovator, Tim Major’s focus is now the world of Japanese netsuke carving.


In Her Own Voice: Chi Ling Tabart’s carvings express her inner feelings and imaginings. Story by Carol Russell.


Learning and Living the Craft: Julien Hardy tells why he became a furniture maker and why he only makes one-offs.


Paying It Forward: French-born, guild trained Bram Rouws’ travels took him to India where he set up a large furniture factory and now also a school. It’s all about ‘social giveback’, he says.


The Chair: A Story of Design: An exhibition of 110 chairs made David Haig reflect on the personalities, politics and trends that shaped a history of New Zealand design trends.


Expressions in Wood: An exhibition of work by the North West Woodcraft Guild in Tasmania highlighted the ways woodworkers can explore their ideas. Review by Stephen Oram.

Machinery & Tool Reviews:

• Veritas 600mm shop rule
• Wile plane hammer
• Safety eyewear options
• Trigjig pocket PS 100 square
• Lie Nielsen large router plane
• En Mina leather products
• Elten safety footwear
• Tormek knife angle setter

Wood Review magazine issue 124 is available from newsagents and selected retailers.
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