Dale Woodley, Whiskey Bar (CHESTS, CABINETS & BOXES 2023)

Mr Dale J Woodley
Video tour:

“We’ve got some whiskey we need to store”. Turns out it was quite a lot of whiskey… An extensive collection required a lot of storage and not a lot of room in the bar nook of the upstairs living room to put it. This many bottles can quickly dominate and you don’t always want to feel like you’re living in a bar. Stashing the bottles away in cupboards, always out of sight seemed criminal.. The carved splashback was inspired by the images whiskey conjures. Smoke, smooth curves. Of course there are times when you want to feel like you’re living in a bar and a remote control mechanism provides the party on demand.

Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.