Gus Grinham, Timber Bath (Student Awards 2018)
For my HSC major work, I have constructed a timber bath using Tasmanian blackwood. The project was purposely designed to ensure the functionality of the bath whilst also having an aesthetically pleasing visual. This unique project meant that I had to create all design elements and construction steps from scratch. I chose to steam bend the sides of the bath to create a smooth, oval-shaped design with a curved top edge. Multiple tests and jigs were used to create the desired curve of the timber. I then constructed the base piece in a pizza-like design with individual pieces to provide an aesthetic appeal using domino joints. Using a rebate joint I was then able to fit the base piece into the sides of the bath. Once joined, I shaped and sanded the entire piece to have smooth curve throughout the bath. The project was then finished with three layers of West Systems epoxy resin to create a waterproof seal, inside and out. Year 12, The King's School. Teacher: Brian Davey

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