Alf Kwarcianyi, The Jigsaw Table (TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS 2021 )
The design came from a customer who loves to do puzzles, so they commissioned this bespoke table because they could not find anything similar in Australia. They wanted a unique dual-purpose feature table that could double as an elegant dining table with a hidden internal compartment to keep their 1000-piece puzzles. The intricate modular design includes 5 removable “leaves”, which act as a solid tabletop when in place but easily and ingeniously lift off to reveal the puzzles underneath. The leaves are removed by an innovative lever system that lifts the first leaf to enable the removal of all the leaves. The leaves are cleverly reverse rebated in case of spillage to prevent mess and liquid from getting into the inner puzzle compartment. There is a 2mm black shadow line around the external frame to highlight the edge. The table is made of beautiful Southern Silky Oak. The green felt trays are also removable for convenience. Overall, “The Jigsaw Table” is a sophisticated and creative piece of furniture that will provide a lifetime of entertainment, joy and memories for this very happy customer.

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