Natasha Courtney, Rescued Kauri Jewellery Box (RECYCLED & RESCUED 2023)

Natasha Courtney
New Zealand

This jewellery box is made from remnant Kauri washed down the Coromandel Ranges (left behind from the bad old days of Kauri logging during the time of the early settlers). It was retrieved from a paddock and milled by an old woodworker from Tairua. When he uncovered a stack of rough sawn Kauri in his garage to offer some to me, it was like discovering a pile of gold. The lift out trays and lower drawer are made with recycled Rimu, from old state house demolition timber. The handle tabs are made with offcuts of Black Maire. Brass stop hinges and merino felt lining finish the piece off.

Images have been resized for web display, which may cause some loss of image quality. Note: Original high-resolution images are used for judging.