Angus Williams, Laminated Rocking Chair (TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS 2022)

Angus Williams

This Laminated Rocker is a one-of-a-kind rocking chair that was designed to stand the test of time. Its design was inspired by Amy Short with the hope of achieving a modernist piece of furniture with character and warmth. With a beautiful elegantly shaped chair leg, the Rocker features a stylish natural curve that is underscored by an inlay of Sydney Blue Gum. This eye-grabbing curvature is complimented by the angularity of the lumber support which has been ergonomically steam bent and laminated to match the curvature of the spine. These complex components are arguably the most eye-grabbing part of the design which converge to produce a unique character and a beautifully functional art-piece. The chair seat features an intricately shaped saddle design to compliment the natural curvature of the chair whilst maximising durability and comfort. Finished with Scandinavian Oil, Victorian Ash was chosen as the primary material for its light, creamy-coloured appearance along with its all-round workability. Overall, learning to make this chair was extremely rewarding; the project demanded the mastery of numerous woodworking techniques such as steam bending, lamination, inlay work and carving. This rocking chair evolved into a beautifully functional and timeless art-piece that will be handed down for generations to come.

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