Patryk Koca & Carl Broesen, Kardo Chair (TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS 2022)
- Photos:
- Brooke Zhang
Inspired by the Powerhouse’s recent exhibition, Eucalyptusdom, Patryk Koca began investigating the habits of Australian consumers when buying timber furniture. Local makers and manufacturers often prefer using imported species such as American oak, walnut or ash, despite the abundance of locally grown species. This preference is largely driven by demand and manufacturability. To challenge this, Patryk Koca designed the Kardo chair which reduces some of the limitations of Australian timbers whilst maximising the yield from common sizes. Working together with Sydney based designer maker, Carl Broesen, the pair developed suitable joinery methods and selected native timbers that could rival their northern hemisphere counterparts. Kardo takes its name from the Latin word for 'tenon' – the predominant joining method of the chair – and acts as a subtle nod to the scientific names given to tree species. Blackbean (Castanospermum australe) is used for the legs, silver ash (Flindersia bourjotiana) for the tenons and Victorian ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis) for the seat and backrest. An efficient system through laser cut templates and jigs was made to craft every piece into their precise and complex shapes with minimal tooling. Using flush cut routing and trimming along with traditional hand tools created a chair that poses a bold statement that celebrates colour, personality and diversity.

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