Macey Dredge, Cabinet with Laser Cut Decorative Feature Door (Student Awards 2018)
A showpiece cabinet for any hallway or entry with a laser cut decorative feature door on both sides. Constructed from hoop pine, jarrah and bamboo plywood panel. The constructed cabinet was designed to be a feature within any dining room, living room or hall way. This was done through the cantilever shelves displayed on both the top and middle levels of the designed cabinet as well as the long and thin shape of the cabinet. The shape of the cabinet best suits halls and living as it creates a statement piece without taking up too much room within these areas. Additionally, the feature cut out feature door provided a statement piece within the design that will draw the eyes of individuals viewing the furniture whilst also providing a storage space for items that wish to be hidden. Each of these elements add to the design of the cabinet in order to create a high end constructed piece of furniture with designed storage elements in order to maintain practicality within the construction. Therefore, with each of these elements the cabinet would be suited to fit within any dining room, living room or hallway. Year 12, Trinity College Inc, SA. Teacher: Mr Anthony Balayance

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