Frédéric Degroote / Driani, Billiard "BLACK BI" (WORLD 2024)

David Coppieters

The “Black Bi” art pool table is part of the “Étirement” collection by designer Frédéric D.Driani. This collection is characterized by an organic, futuristic design, where each piece becomes a sculpture in itself. The meticulous, refined workmanship of each component lends the whole an unequalled singularity. The stretching effect of the base, a veritable artistic feat, transcends the material to create a captivating illusion of elasticity. The artist’s vision transforms raw materials into fluid, dynamic forms, evoking the malleability of a substance in perpetual transformation. Limited edition of 8 Creation : @d.driani_creation TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The “Black Bi” is made from French ash wood, selected locally to guarantee impeccable quality and a minimal ecological footprint. Each piece of wood is meticulously gouged, a technique that gives the billiard table a raw, natural look. The wood is then blackened using a unique in-house process, creating a visual effect of burnt wood without it actually being burnt. Pool table 2m40 One-piece slate 19 mm Metal frame French ash wood frame Competition-quality Simonis cloth Black leather pockets

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