Josh Walker, Art Deco Buffet Cabinet (Student Awards 2018)
My Art Deco buffet cabinet is constructed of Tasmanian blackwood, chosen to best suit the style of the cabinet and where it will rest. I have used wenge timber and stirling silver inlays to accentuate the main Tasmanian blackwood body and bring out the colours of the leadlight windows. I built the windows myself with the help of my aunt on weekends and am very happy with the final result. Notice the curved ends to the cabinet, the curved doors made of laminated Tasmanian blackwood and the curved lead light panels. Inlayed into the top of the cabinet is more wenge in an Art Deco pattern matching the pattern of the leadlights. The cabinet is supported by four symmetrical turned feet to raise it to a better height. The two drawers are constructed using dovetails and housing joints and are felt flocked with burgundy flocking on the inside. The cabinet hardware further adds to the Art Deco feel. Finally the whole cabinet is finished with wipe-on polyurethane varnish and mirrors are mounted into the rear of the cabinet to give the appearance of further depth. Year 12, Windsor High School, NSW Teacher: David Hawes
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