
‘Supporting and raising the awareness of women in woodworking’, is the aim of in-store demonstration events which will soon take place at Carbatec in Brisbane and in Melbourne. Both events will also include Q & A sessions with the presenters.

In Brisbane, woodworking exponent, teacher and author Patt Gregory will demonstrate the Kreg jig, tenon saw and clamping methods as well as make her book Woodwork For Women available. Carol Russell will demonstrate and discuss spoon carving and finishing techniques. Woodcarver Sandra Skodnik will also share some of her techniques and design processes.

In Melbourne furniture designer/maker and teacher Phoebe Everill will focus on design methodologies as well as demonstrations of hand tool techniques. Victorian wood artist Lorraine le Plastrier will also be on hand to discuss and demonstrate her work practices.

When: Saturday March 7

Carbatec Brisbane
128 Ingleston Rd, Wakerley, Qld 4154
9am – 12:30pm

Carbatec Melbourne
80–82 Osborne Ave, Springvale, Vic 3171
9am – 12:30pm

These are free events. Register your planned attendance at

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