Tassie's widest tree discovered in proposed logging area
From Forest Watch: A record-breaking tree has recently been discovered on the edge of a proposed logging coupe near Maydena in southern lutruwita/Tasmania. The swamp gum (Eucalyptus regnans) is the widest tree measured in lutruwita/Tasmania, with a circumference of 21.7m (6.9m diameter). This giant tree is only 50cm smaller in circumference than the widest tree in Australia - the famous red tingle tree (Eucalyptus jacksonii) in Western Australia.
On Monday, Steve Pearce and Carl Hansen were surveying logging coupes for giant trees. They had planned to visit the tree as it had previously been recorded by Big Tree Enthusiast Brett Mifsud a few years ago. Brett had named the tree “All About the Base” and had estimated the circumference at around 20m.
“We were amazed at how big this tree was when we first saw it. From Brett’s records we knew that this tree was over 20m in circumference. When we measured it and discovered that it was the widest tree in Tasmania, it was a very welcome surprise”, said Carl Hansen from Forestry Watch.
The duo also found nine other giant trees during the survey. Four of these trees were within logging coupes, while the other five trees were within 20m of the coupe’s boundaries.
“The scary thing is that Tasmania’s widest tree could have very easily been logged without anyone ever knowing about it.” said Steve Pearce from The Tree Projects. “Sustainable Timber Tasmania are not doing their job properly. They are meant to be surveying these areas for giant trees. This tree is hard to miss – its only 10 metres away from the road.”
Carl Hansen said this find was significant. “People will want to come see this tree. It’s quite close to the road and to Maydena and it would be very easy to make this tree into the region’s next big tourist attraction. It would be worth much more to the community than woodchips”.