Slow Woodworking
Southern NSW continues to be the go to spot for showcasing near forgotten crafts as the popular Made in the Woods workshop returns in November. The workshop promoted by the Sapphire Coast Producers Association will pop up again in the Bemboka bush as an outdoor workshop springs to life with the sound of axes, anvils and crackling campfires.
Event organiser, Massi Guerrisi said the workshop offers a great opportunity for people to spend a couple of days away from their busy lives and immerse themselves in the slower rhythms of making things the natural way.
"It's a hands-on workshop about simplicity and happy slowness," he said.
"Everyone who teaches here has a deep knowledge of traditional crafts and a philosophy of slowing down to appreciate the powerful act of making. It's awesome seeing the meditative effect this can have on people as they unleash their hands on the raw material of plants, wood and iron.
"This year we have the incredibly talented Di Griffin who will take people on a journey of traditional basketry using just the grasses and bark fibres that grow around camp.
"Joining Di is Alfredo, who will make sparks fly in his outdoor blacksmith's workshop. He's an excellent teacher and philosopher.
"We have woodsmith, Richard, a true gent of the bush, who will be using his knowledge of trees, tools and wood to craft some beautiful bush furniture.
"And Jeff Donne the local Spoonsmith will return to pop spoons from logs and show us how to add some sweet decorations.
"We live in a world where we're forever reminded that time is money, but here at Made in the Woods we recognise that time is for living, and our days are more valuable if we slow things down, appreciate our surroundings and focus our attentions on what our hands are capable of making.
"You'll get the smell of wood smoke in your hair, sleep in tents amid giant trees, eat under the stars, and walk away with beautiful things made with an axe, a knife, a hammer and your hands."
Made in the Woods is on the weekend of November 5 and 6. The event is fully catered using locally grown organic food, and includes use of tools and all materials, and basic bush camping. Weekend tickets cost $260. For more information and bookings contact Massi on 0423 786 488 or