New theme announced for 2025 Wootha Prize

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Above: Rick Hayward, overall 2024 Sunshine Coast Wootha Prize winner, is presented  Mayor Rosanna Natoli on opening night.

There's always plenty of WoW factor shown at the annual Wootha Prize competition, however in 2025 this takes on a new meaning!

Whimsy in Wood is the 2025 theme for the Wootha that invites you to let your creative imagination run free. ‘From intricate carvings to fantastical furniture and tantalising Tiny Treasures let your inner whimsy shine through and captivate our judges and audience alike’, says Corrie Wright, exhibition coordinator. ‘Enter a world where imagination transcends the ordinary. It’s your chance to create a piece that tells a unique story to captivate the interest and wonder of everyone who sees it.’

This year the Sunshine Coast Wootha Prize was open themed. In 2025, applicants can be inspired by the Whimsy in Wood theme to express themselves through their work under any of the categories of Furniture, Sculpture and Tiny Treasures. The Evolve category, introduced as a stand-alone category in 2024, will next year also exist to acknowledge newer and 'seasoned' individuals to alleviate the pressure of competing against recognised professionals.

Learn more about the Wootha Prize here

Read about the 2024 Wootha Prize winners here



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