Learn to Chip Carve with Zina Burloiu at Maleny Expo
A highlight of this year’s Wood Expo at Maleny, May 5–7 will be hands-on classes by Romanian carver and sculptor Zina Burloiu. Zina is recognised as the preeminent Romanian exponent of both traditional and contemporary carving. For the last twenty years she has developed an international standing as creative innovator and exhibitor and, most importantly, as a teacher. She has given classes across Europe and North America, and now will be teaching for the first time in Australia.
Zina will be showing how to use traditional chip carving to decorate any kind of woodwork. The basic technique is simple and no experience is required to learn, but Zina shows how to transform simple cuts into delightful patterns. She decorates her own spoons, as well as furniture, cabinetry, sculpture and turned wood. Zina now collaborates extensively with Australian turner and sculptor Terry Martin, and they will be showing their work at Maleny.
If you want to know more, visit the Wood Expo website where you can enrol for her one-day classes
All materials and tools will be provided. Numbers are limited to 8 per class, so sign up as soon as you can.
There are other great workshops to choose from at this year’s Expo as well, see here for more info.