Insurance for woodworkers? Association membership has the answer
The Victorian Woodworkers Association (VWA) membership opens the door to a range of member benefits and networking opportunities, and it also includes access to insurance cover that’s tailored to woodworkers.
Full VWA membership costs $150 and includes 6 months of Public and Product Liability cover. The Association’s PP&L insurance Half Year Plan cover for VWA members runs from 1 February 2024 to 4pm 30 August 2024.
The Victorian Woodworkers Association policy covers:
• Woodworkers and other craftworkers who sell their products, including those who sell at craft markets and online
• Those who teach their craft to groups of 10 or less
• Those who demonstrate or exhibit their craft
Read an interview with Stephen Ziguras, President, Victorian Woodworkers Association that discusses the insurance that the VWA has brokered for woodworkers.
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