Hiring now: Artistic Director, Bungendore Wood Works Gallery

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Bungendore Wood Works Gallery is entering its 40th year from September this year and currently seeking a new Artistic Director to take it forward into its 50th.

‘Who has the courage and commitment and confidence to take this challenge and succeed?’, asks David Mac Laren OAM, founder and long-time Artistic Director of Australia’s foremost gallery for studio furniture and wood art.

As a platform that promotes and sells fine woodwork, BWWG has been instrumental in helping to develop the careers of many notable makers. Over 150 artists and makers rely on continuing the gallery tradition established over these 40 years.

'Designer makers and artists, a discerning purchasing public, and a highly resolved Gallery space, all come to gather to create a special cultural phenomenon', says David Mac Laren. 'We exhibit and promote contemporary Australian furniture, wood art, sculpture and giftware by the country’s foremost designer makers in wood. We take pride in the skill and art of Australia’s craftspeople, and in the varied richness and beauty of our native timbers.'

'The new Artistic Director will be responsible for running the gallery, seeking to increase its visitation and sales', says David Mac Laren. 'As well, the new Artistic Director will bring the gallery closer to the orbit of public galleries and bring new expertise and new visual artists to the gallery.'


This year the Gallery has an exciting calendar of upcoming exhibitions of not only furniture and sculpture, but also the fine art which it also displays and sells. 'Basically, we're looking for the person who is capable, and committed and entrusted to guide BWWG for the next ten years', said David Mac Laren.

Contact gallery@bwoodworks.com.au for more information



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