Forums for all, and the return of Renovate Forum

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Woodworking can be a solitary pursuit (and many of us love it for that reason!) but it’s always good to chat with like-minded enthusiasts, and sometimes you need advice and know-how from others.

In May this year Woodwork Forums (aka WWF) celebrated its 25th anniversary. “Not bad for something that started off with 10 members and has grown to well over 130,000 – after constant culling of spammers, scammers and other ne'er-do-well”, commented founder Neil Ellis.

Over the years, WWF has grown in member numbers, and also mushroomed to contain within it 130 individual forums. Renovate Forums (Reno) started life on WWF in 2002 and was given its own independent and autonomous site in 2008. Metalwork Forums (MWF) began life in 2007 and was given its own website in 2016.

“Renovate Forums was taken over in 2013 by a commercial business who ran it until May 2023 when they abandoned the forums and their many thousands of loyal members”, commented Neil Ellis. “The day after that site was shut down for good, Woodwork Forums came to the rescue and brought what was left of the now defunct forum back to where it all began in 2002.”

As of April 2024 Renovate Forums is once again an independent site. “Many of the original posts have been saved but much of what was closed down has unfortunately been lost for ever,” said Neil.

“The new site has over 80 individual forums of information and help on almost anything and everything to do with all sorts of renovation work. It is a safe place to ask for help, get ideas and information, or lend your expertise to help others.”

While Renovate Forums is a free website, registration is required to participate and see photos.

Learn more at

Image: John Kennedy

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