
Cohen Reeder
Year 11
John Wollaston Anglican Community School, Kelmscott, WA
Teacher: Rachael Wilkinson, Materials and Design



Pine, jarrah, string

320mm l x 120 w x 220 h x 280mm high with ladder extended


In term 3 we were given the task of making anything of our choice.  I chose to make the fire engine because it looked challenging and no one else in the class had chosen it as something they wanted to make. Unfortunately my original design was stolen by one of my peers and not returned. The school gave me the opportunity to build another one in my spare time, which I did and this is the one I am entering in the Australian Wood Review competition. The design templates where not to scale but they included the correct dimensions. The design didn’t include any instructions either, so I had to figure it out as I went along. I made the base first, then the front quarter then the seat and steering wheel. I assembled those parts first, and then I made the ladder components, wheels and trims. After it was fully assembled and all moving parts worked correctly it was sanded back and oiled.


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