The story goes something like this. One day, many years ago, a starting-out furniture maker who was working in the workshop of an established designer/maker, dropped his square on the floor. Bang.
That square, an esteemed brand, cost two week’s worth of wages and was now no longer square. Said maker was understandably piqued, not to mention poorer for no gain.
Thus began a journey of innovation, where the maker ended up devising a unique design for a try square that could be put back to square to allow not just for accidental knocks but also for the fact that the relationship between metal and wood can vary according to temperature and humidity.
Colen Clenton’s calibratable square works on a simple principle, but it took someone with the mind of an engineer and a toolmaker, and who also had an insider’s knowledge of fine woodworking to devise a system which works simply by adjusting two screws.
In the video below Colen shows how it works.
See more about Colen Clenton squares here or phone 0408 338 582.