Closing soon: Youth scholarships for woodworkers

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Above: Handplanes at the ready, Victorian School of Woodcraft, North Melbourne

Passing creative skills on is important in a digital age where artificial intelligence capabilities are rapidly expanding. In the realm of woodworking there are some opportunities for younger woodworkers currently available, and applications for three close within a few weeks.

Vic Wood Scholarship

Applications are now open for the 2024 Vic Wood Scholarship. Named in honour of esteemed teacher, mentor and wood artist Vic Wood, the scholarship exists to further the aims of the Victorian Woodworkers Association. The successful applicant will receive a $2000 grant to further their skills in woodwork or woodwork teaching. The scholarship can be applied to educational opportunities provided by woodworking schools, programs, instructors, or mentors and can be applied to course fees, tuition, travel or lodging costs.
Applications close Thursday 1 August. Learn more

Thorkild Hansen Scholarship - Beginners Intensive

The Centre for Fine Woodworking is a not for profit school of excellence offering tuition in fine woodworking in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Created in the memory of Thorkild Hansen, much-loved foundational teacher at the CFW, the scholarship is to the value of NZ$8,500 for one person each year to attend an 8-week beginners intensive. The program was designed and created by its namesake to learn and develop the skills of fine woodworking and bespoke craftsmanship. Open to applicants aged 18–25.Applications close Thursday 1 August. Learn more

Production woodworking

Are you aged between 18 to 32? Two scholarships are on offer for a production woodworking class focusing on workshop efficiency and personal productivity. Two paid-for places are on offer, one sponsored by the Woodworkers Association of NSW and the other by the Gottstein Trust. The class takes place in Dunstone Design’s commercial workshop using the jigs, templates and techniques employed for one of the company’s most popular designs.
Applications close Friday 2 August. See here

Youth scholarships at Centre for Rare Arts & Forgotten Trades

Budding creatives aged 16 to 25 can apply for a complimentary spot in one of the Centre's workshops, providing them with a unique opportunity to advance their skills and knowledge. Sponsored by Ballarat Jaguar and Land Rover, students can apply for a scholarship position in a class and contribution to transport and meals if required.
Learn more

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