Clockmaker Will Matthysen takes delivery of Felder Machinery award
Felder Award recipient Will Matthysen (right) with James Pettigrew, Sales Manager for Felder Group Australia’s Victorian branch.
Last week Will Matthysen, renowned clockmaker and wood artist was excited to take delivery of the prize he was awarded for AWR Studio Furniture 2018, a landmark exhibition that featured 60 works by Australian and international artists. The exhibition was displayed at Bungendore Wood Works Gallery in NSW.
Will was presented with the Felder Award for Fine Woodworking for Clock 195, a beautiful and intricate wall mounted mechanical clock made from fiddleback blackwood, sycamore, Huon pine, ancient redgum, brass and steel. His prize was a Hammer N4400 bandsaw valued at $3166. The award was sponsored by Felder Group Australia and delivered and installed by James Pettigrew, Sales Manager for Felder Group Australia’s Victorian branch.
‘Flawless delivery’ thanks to Felder Machinery's Victorian Sales Manager James Pettigrew
Will commented: ‘The bandsaw arrived yesterday without a hitch. Many thanks to James Pettigrew of Felder in Melbourne for a flawless delivery. James backed up the trailer to the workshop door and slid the crate until it pivoted the bandsaw gently onto the concrete floor, and tilted it up into its position. The whole operation took less than ten minutes.’
Now in its new home, the Hammer N4400 will comfortably reside next to Will's Felder combination.
The new Hammer N4400 will sit well with the select and specialised machinery already housed in Will’s workshop. ‘The N4400 will be a welcome addition to my workshop and I intend to use it mainly for cutting veneers. It has a solid construction and should do the job well. It stands next to my Felder combination machine which has served me well without a hitch for 25 years,’ Will said.
Learn more about Felder machinery at
See more of Will Matthysen's work at
Workshop and delivery photos: Libby Didier
Will Matthysen received the Felder Award for Fine Woodworking for Clock 195, an intricate wall mounted mechanical clock made from fiddleback blackwood, sycamore, Huon pine, ancient redgum, brass and steel. Photos: Ian Hill