Luca Cope, Space Efficient Chairs within a Contemporary Storage Unit (Student)

The design of the folding chairs and storage unit were focused on a contemporary style with a modern function, the purpose of these two products is to work together in providing outdoor seating in an environment with limited space. The storage unit is used to store the chairs when they are not in use as well as additional space for any other items, this design has been targeted towards apartment living with the idea of space saving items in mind. The chairs have achieved this idea through their ability to fold down to the thickness of a single piece of timber and stay together with the use of magnets, the decision to use a bamboo plywood was chosen not only because of its unique edge appearance but also its sustainable qualities. This material is easily grown and the use of minimal hardware and resources in the design results in little environmental impact. The storage unit is constructed using American Oak veneered ply and has worked well with the Iron Bark edging used which frames the shape of the design, this produces a larger depth of form making it identifiable but not stand out within a given space. When the chairs are inserted within the storage unit the total form of both designs together becomes very compact as well as simplistic and visually appealing. This project has fulfilled its required need of being both functional and aesthetically pleasing in each space. Marcellin College: VCE Product Design & Technology Teacher: Annie McNamara

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