Coffs Harbour TAFE School of Woodwork is a melting pot of creativity
From Tom Hook, Student at Coffs Harbour TAFE School of Woodwork
We are a community based group of diverse individuals, both men and women with an age bracket of 18-70+, coming together in a melting pot of creativity, Coffs Harbour Education Campus.
We are supported by four teachers who are all life long business men in their respective fields and still committed to the longevity of the local industry, whilst maintaining high standards of education and teaching.
As a cohort we collaborate on group projects and public sculpture installations, Urunga’s Sculptures in the Park, South West Rocks – Sculpture in the Gaol to name a couple.
As individuals we strive to design original pieces with constant internal critique and conversations surrounding our end goals, with particular attention placed on design, modelling, material selection and cost effective manufacturing.
To maintain industry relevancy and fresh enthusiasm there are a number of extracurricular activities which build a positive culture and allow for the social connections to become as ingrained as the theoretical aspect.
An annual three day excursion to a mystery spot with a variety of stops along the way, including carving workshops with local legends and welcome BBQs. This culminates in our annual exhibition –this year titled ‘Arbor’ to be held from the 17th November, for ten days at the Bellingen Gallery and Framing Studio.
All the timber we use is locally sourced and a strong ethos within our environment has been established to facilitate ongoing tool and machinery maintenance, along with safe working practices as well as sustainable resource usage and waste management.
There are three courses on offer at CHEC which provide dynamic opportunities to suit any schedule and intention, be it a one day a week Certificate II or the whole hog of four days full time, engaged in a Diploma of Furniture Design and Technology. The Courses offered are unique in NSW, as well as across the nation, with a shift of woodworking schools becoming privatised. A last vestige of woodcraft supporting the community, available for any age, gender, background and ability!
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