Announcing the judges for AWR Student Awards 2018

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This year’s Australian Wood Review Student Awards are already showcasing a range of fine furniture and woodwork creations made by Australian year 11 and 12 secondary school students. Student Awards have also become a form of acknowledgement for the great work done by their teachers.

AWR Student Awards are supported by specialist suppliers to the woodworking industry who are keen to foster the acquisition of skills as well as a general appreciation for fine woodwork. This year’s awards sponsors are Carbatec, Triton Tools, Mirka Best Abrasives and Hare & Forbes Machinery House. Over $9,000 in prizes are on offer.

The deadline for entry is December 12. Enter via our website where you can see entries to date and learn about the prizes on offer.

It’s with pleasure we announce the judges for this year’s awards. Carol Russell and Darren Fry are both professional woodworkers who share a passion for the work of starting-out makers.

carol-russell_web.jpgCarol Russell has been working with timber for most of her adult life, She began in 1987 with small furniture projects and antique restoration, focusing on small commission projects and exhibiting her work in galleries in Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney.
A role with a woodworking supplies company Carbatec for 17 years gave her the opportunity to teach, train staff and write woodworking articles for online and print publication. Several of her articles on tools and woodworking techniques have been published in Australian Wood Review.

In 2013 Carol decided to return to her own Brisbane-based workshop full time to concentrate on her furniture making and carving. She also loves to teach woodwork, particularly spoon carving and small whittling projects, encouraging people to experience the pleasure of creating something with their own hands from some of our beautiful Australian timber.


Above: A selection of bowls, spoons and vessels by Carol Russell. Photos: Carol Russell

darren-fry-border.jpg Darren Fry is a furniture designer maker who works from his studio in Adelaide. He is passionate about contemporary pieces that reflect an aesthetic of elegance. Recently Darren was awarded Bungendore Wood Works Gallery Second Prize of $5,000 for his Constance Chest.

Darren’s work encompasses skills harnessed over a career spanning more than 25 years. He fulfils private commissions and participates in exhibitions. Darren is a Board Member of Studio Woodworkers Australia and has been recognised by the Australian Design Centre for his work. A highlight of his career was exhibiting work at Milan Design Week, 2018.

Darren is passionate about contemporary Australian furniture and is excited to be a judge for Australian Wood Review’s Student Awards 2018.



Clockwise from above, work by Darren Fry: Constance Chest, Watch Box, Mollusc Table . Photos: Grant Hancock

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